Salazar Slytherin Made by Snoekie
Salazar is born 20.04.19 as a singleton baby boy . His Story starts at valentins day 2019 where he s made , and easter saturday 2019 he s born .His parents are Ch.Sel. Uptown Boy Jesienna Rapsodie & Ch.Sel O Nina Ricci du Manoir Noble. As he was a single baby this was for me a very hard decision to let him go . One thing was clear he should stay in our dogfamily , and so he went to live with Holger & Estelle together with Ohana . And so he stay our familyboy .
All healthchecks are done and he s HD-A , CSNB Free , EU free , ECVO free & DNA tested
A evaluatieraport & mentaltest netherlands 18/20
He has done his instinct test for sheepherding and passed , aswel he did a juniorday in the netherlands and got Very Promissing at the french National in 2019.
2020 he should have started at some shows but Corona dediced it others so he probaly will start as a young adult boy somewhere next year at some shows we hope .
Until now he became daddy
at kennel du djinn noiraud from 9 tawny puppys (Netherlands)
at kennel Rave On from 5 puppys (Sweden)
For more info about Salazar you can ask
Tine Tel 0032472710565 or Holger & Estelle : Tel.: 0049 5151 67 88 68
E-mail: Mobile.: 0049 1511 55 11 11 7